An Interactive Learning Design Blog

An Interactive Learning Design Blog

Sep 13, 2007

A fine example of a simple video blogging class project

Margo found this for me on teacher tube, and we both thought it was a great idea. The kids get to plan out, write down, and practice what they are going to say; the parents will love the video; it takes only equipment the school already has; and there are no privacy issues.

Rachel Boyd, the teacher who did this says:
Let the 6 & 7 year olds from Room 9 at Nelson Central School educate you about what they think a blog is and why they love using them! This is the introduction to my presentation for a New Zealand Online Conference. This part is the student's voice. Primarily it's an AUDIO file, we didn't want to detract away from the children's voices. I've just chosen to upload it here as a movie for flexibility. Check out out class blog here at: Room 9 Nelson Blog Or our teacher's edublog at: My journey in ICT and blogging

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