An Interactive Learning Design Blog

An Interactive Learning Design Blog

Jul 8, 2007

What kindergarteners need to know about 1st grade.

Here's a video from out of my past: My wife, Margo Nanny, and I helped shoot this video when our son was in 1st grade. It was written, scripted, and shot by the kids. Our son's teacher, a truly wonderful teacher, created the space in time for us to do this project with the kids. Margo and I facilitated the process, but stayed out of the way as much as possible. I'm still amazed by what these kids could do.(Full disclosure: Margo did the the final edit.)
What kindergarteners need to know about 1st grade is still as true as the day these kids shot this footage, but the technology has greatly improved. I wish I could redo it again today...but my kid's in middle school now, and barely remembers this video..

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